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Helpful websites
Understanding death and grief
While the website is focused on cancer, this article provides a generalized understanding of grief within a cultural context, including understanding the meaning of death, rituals regarding death, personal differences in grief and mourning, and grief and cultural sensitivity.
Learn about grief, how grief shows, the grieving process, grieving rituals, feeling better and helping yourself.
Things to do to take care of yourself
While the website is focused on cancer, this article provides really good advice for coping with grief in general, including when to recognize you need to seek support or help.
This article pulled together quotes and tips from teens who had a friend die. They provide useful tips for mourning your friend while taking care of yourself, as well as remind you that you have the right to mourn the death of your friend.
Supporting someone through their grief
Learn what to expect when a loved one dies, what it means to mourn a loved one, what it means to deal with a major loss, how to live with grief, how to help others grieve, and how to help children grieve.
Our other resource pages
Visit our Counseling resource page for additional local agencies that can help you process your grief:
Visit our Mental Health resources page for information about how to talk to your parents/caregivers if you think you need a therapist, and how to find the right one:
Visit our Mental Health and Suicide Prevention resource pages if you are self-injuring (Mental Health) or are considering dying by suicide: