Does your family need food?
Visit your school's Family-Community Resource Center (FCRC). The staff there may be able to give you food and other support you or your family might need. Here are the local middle and high schools we know have an FCRC. Battle Ground Public Schools The FCRC for Battle Ground Public Schools serves the whole district and is located at 11104 NE 149th St, Brush Prairie. It can be reached at 360.885.5434. Camas School District Located in right inside the Jack, Will and Rob Center (JWR) 2033 NE Ione Street, Camas (across the street from the Doc Harris Stadium). It can be reached at 360.833.5612 ext. 77203. Evergreen Public Schools Sometimes known as food pantries in the middle and high schools, students can access these services by talking with their school counselor. The FCRC helps families with basic needs and provide direct referrals to community resources while offering opportunities for student and family enrichment. Supports may include school supplies, clothing, toiletries and hygiene items, fresh and nonperishable food, parenting resources, employment connections, housing and utilities resources and help navigating the system to access available community resources.
Vancouver Public Schools
Washougal School District Can help with basic needs, and provide direct referrals to community resources while offering opportunities for student and family enrichment. This may include: school supplies, clothing, shoes, toiletries & hygiene items, nonperishable food, parenting resources, housing and utilities resources, early childhood education information, and help accessing available community resources.
If you don't see your school listed here, ask someone at your school's front office where your FCRC might be.
Food pantries and hot meals
Almost all of these food banks and pantries are partners with the Clark County Food Bank. For the most updated information, check out the list of Food Pantry Sites.
Nutrition assistance
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Visit our Homeless resources page if you are living on the streets, are couchsurfing, or are in unstable housing:
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