Check out 211info to find more local resources:
Check out HearMeWA for youth
How to use these resourcesIn these pages, you can find links to helpful websites and information about various resources local to Clark County and Portland. Each link in our list of topics can take you to groups of resources organized by category, making finding what you want easy. Every resource listed is followed by contact information, if applicable, and a description of what the resource can offer. Sometimes it can take a few tries to find the resource that can best help you. Don't be afraid to keep calling places until someone can answer your questions or help you out. Remember to be respectful, persistent, and specific in order to find the assistance you are looking for. Always feel welcome to call us for additional support navigating or using these resources! Tips for approaching agenciesIt may be hard to contact a resource/agency and know what questions to ask, so here is a list!
DownloadDownload some lists of resources our community partners created.
Thank you, Children's Home Society of Southwest Washington, Clark County Food Bank, Clark County Public Health, and Council for the Homeless. These lists helped us get a good start on creating our resource pages. DisclaimerThis is not a complete list of resources. Inclusion in this list does not imply approval and omission from this list does not imply disapproval. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of information provided on our website, please call the agencies or visit the websites for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
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