Helpful websites
Understanding eating disorders
Learn what anorexia nervosa is, how to recognize the signs and symptoms, the causes and effects of anorexia, how to get help for anorexia, how it's not about weight or food, how to tolerate your feelings, how to challenge damaging mindsets, how to develop a healthier relationship with food, and how to help someone with anorexia.
Learn what binge eating disorder is, how to recognize the signs and symptoms, the causes and effects of binge eating, recovery tips on developing a healthier relationship with food and taking back control of cravings, and how to help a friend with binge eating disorder.
Learn what bulimia is, how to recognize the signs and symptoms, the causes and effects of bulimia, how to get help, how to develop healthier relationships with food, how to challenge harmful thoughts, and how to help a friend with bulimia.
Learn about eating disorder treatments and recovery, how to recognize the issue, how to reach out for support, how to get professional help, how to cope with uncomfortable feelings, how to develop a healthier relationship with food, tips for accepting yourself, and tips for avoiding relapse.
Learn about signs and symptoms of different eating disorders, risk factors, treatments and therapies, and more.
Improving your self-esteem
List of 10 strategies to help develop a positive body image.
List of 10 things you can do to help yourself improve your body image.
List of 20 ways you can practice loving and being kind to your body.
Learn how to fight back against negative thinking by challenging your inner voice and asking yourself challenging questions.
Learn what self-talk is, the difference between positive and negative self-talk, why you should practice it, and three ways to talk yourself up.
Learn about why self-esteem and body image are important, what influences a person's self-esteem, healthy self-esteem, tips for improving body image, and where to go if you need help.
Learn some strategies for altering your mindset to improve your self-esteem and managing the thoughts, feelings and opinions you have about yourself.
Getting help or supporting a loved one with an eating disorder
Learn how to help someone with an eating disorder, the types of eating disorders, myths and facts about eating disorders, the signs of eating disorders, tips for talking with a loved one and encouraging them to get help, how to support a loved one through professional and at-home treatment and recovery.
Learning about various aspects of help and support for those with eating disorders, including screening for eating disorders, helplines, finding treatment, where to start, how to help, free and low-cost support options, and information on recovery and relapse.
Learn how to help a loved one with eating or body image issues, tips for talking to a loved one about your concerns, and encouraging them to seek professional help.
Visit our Counseling and Health Care resource pages for local agencies that can diagnose, treat and/or support you with your eating disorder:
Visit our Mental Health resources page for information about how to talk to your parents/caregivers if you think you need a therapist, and how to find the right one:
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