Pregnancy counseling and prenatal care Teen parent program Housing Support and support groups Parenting classes/workshops Parent-child activities, storytime opportunities and play groups Childcare and preschool Helpful websites
For more information about pregnancy, prenatal health, parenting and resources, visit ParentHelp123 or The Parent Trust for Washington Children.
Pregnancy counseling and prenatal care
Visit our Health Care resources page for more agencies that offer prenatal health care and health care after the baby is born:
Teen parent program
Support and support groups
Parenting classes/workshops
Parent-child activities, storytime opportunities and play groups
Childcare and preschool
Helpful websites
I'm pregnant. Now what?
Learn how to make an informed decision about your pregnancy based on your values and circumstances by considering some questions to think about. Also learn about the complications and risks of a teenage pregnancy and how to minimize those risks. Also learn about how to maintain your emotional well-being during teenage pregnancy.
A week-by-week view of how big the fetus is (compared to the size of random fruit of course), what symptoms you might be experiencing, what's going on with your belly, what might show on an ultrasound, and a checklist of some things you should consider doing at each stage in your pregnancy.
How do I tell people I'm pregnant?
Learn some tips for telling your parents and your partner that you're pregnant, learn about your options, and more.
My partner is pregnant. Now what?
Learn how you might feel when finding out you’re going to be a parent, how you can help during the pregnancy, what your role might be in your baby’s life (including some questions to think about), what your rights are, what your responsibilities are, and how you can provide for your child.
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