06/21/2024-During Summer
My depression gets worse in the summer. Maybe because I have less to do and more time in my head. I talk to people less in summer too i think. Ideas from you maybe.
From Dehlia
Hello! I am Dahlia. I am sorry you are feeling depressed during summer break, I understand how lonely that can feel. I also feel quite sad every summer, especially because I am home all day long. I also feel left out when I see people on social media traveling with their friends. This summer, I feel more at peace though! One reason for that peace is that I now volunteer. Volunteering can be a great way to help the community and also distract yourself during the summer. You could also get a job. However, most jobs have certain age requirements, so not all teens may be able to apply for certain jobs. I also find that having a hobby, away from a phone and technology, helps with mental and physical health. I encourage you to try and find a hobby that will make you happy! My current hobby is doing exercise, which can take a lot of motivation and time, but it is worth it in the end. I hope these ideas may help you find activities to do this summer. Remember, you are not alone. If you ever want to talk to anyone please feel free to reach out to TeenTalk again; we are happy to hear from you and talk to you. You can also text TeenTalk at 360 984 0936. from Anna
Thank you very much for contacting us. I am sorry that your depression gets worse in the summer. It definitely can get boring sometimes and it feels like there’s nothing to do. For me, I try to find some activities that I can enjoy doing by myself such as reading, walking outside, or just cleaning my room. A lot of people that I know also enjoy drawing and there are lots of volunteering opportunities that you could possibly join to keep your mind off of things. There’s also many outdoor activities that you could possibly invite your friends to do with you if you enjoy being outside. No matter what you choose to do, I hope that it makes you feel happy. I hope that my ideas are able to help you, and please remember that you can always contact us if you need anyone to talk to. You can also check out our resource page on mental health, Resources for teens in Clark County, WA - Clark County TeenTalk. Anna from jon
Thank you for writing to us. I'm sorry to hear that your depression has worsened during the summer, but I think it is great that you had the drive to reach out to us. I see why that would be tough though, and it is important that you know that you are not alone. In the past, I have felt lonely and felt like my mental health was worsening over the summer time. I think that many of us tend to lose connections and spend a lot of time with our own mind during a long break like this, and it is one of the reasons why I decided to join this program. Nowadays, I try to challenge myself, not by doing a huge thing, but something that I can get done if I put my mind to it. One idea to try is to form a routine, whether it being exercise or an activity that you want to pursue over break. In my experience, it has helped me spend my free time with a more busy mind. Another thing to consider is to stay social. I am not personally a social butterfly, and I totally understand why someone may be talking to less people during break. Reaching out to friends or family to do something or just to chat can make your day a whole lot better. Also, joining a volunteer group (like us!) is another way to stay social. Volunteer opportunities teach you valuable lessons while helping you make friends along the way! Please visit our ‘Friends’ and ‘Things to Do’ pages on our website for more detail on how you can be social and active during the summer: https://ccteentalk.clark.wa.gov/resources/category/things-to-do https://ccteentalk.clark.wa.gov/resources/friends Have a good one! - Jon from Kimberely
Hello! Thank you for reaching out! The second I read your message, I instantly felt a surge of empathy, because holy crap was I the exact same way last summer. So much so, that it motivated me to plan ahead in order to stay busy and feel happy THIS summer! From my experience with summer depression, I know that for me, loneliness was the root cause of it. I'm not sure what your situation is, but if you do have some friends, please do what you can to stay connected with them! I know that it's harder in the summer when you don't see them in-person every day, but simply asking somebody "hey, long time no see, wanna hang out sometime?" or texting someone in general can make a much bigger difference than you would think... and that goes both ways! If you don't have any friends/people to stay in touch with, I'm sorry. I know how tough that can be. As humans, we're psychologically meant to be social creatures. Not having that need fulfilled is almost like a different type of starvation. My recommendation is to not dismiss your feelings, because I know that back when I had no friends, I would easily tell myself it wasn't that bad, not realizing that my denial was making it worse. Express yourself. Listen to music, journal, talk about it with someone you trust... whatever you need to get through it. For me, depression got gradually worse over time. Good on you for thinking ahead and mentioning this right at the start of summer! I know that I made the mistake of thinking "I'm fine" over and over again, before eventually realizing that I really wasn't fine... when things were too late to reverse. I hope you find ways to get through it and cope well. And even if the misery takes over, at least we can know that the new school year will be a fresh start! With ideas on things to do, here's some from my own list of summer things to do! (Bold Ones are things that could also be cool by yourself too!)
From Quinn
Hello! My name is Quinn. Thank you for reaching out, it takes a lot of courage. That sounds really rough to deal with every year. If you think that it's because you don't have things to do or people to talk to, you could sign up for clubs or activities for over the summer. Schools often will offer summer clubs. You could also volunteer for some where if you don't have any clubs. Or if you want to go out more you could go to farmers market, those are pretty fun! You could also reach out to friends and schedule times to hangout. Those are some examples of things you could do. I really hope this helps, and if you need someone to talk to you can always reach out to TeenTalk 🙂. Thanks for writing! 02/06/2024 - REJECTION
Today (at the time of writing this) I was rejected by this guy I liked and it hurts cause it’s the 4th time I’ve been rejected and I really liked him and even though I’m a guy myself I didn’t think anything was wrong and I thought it would work out because he’s pansexual and a sweet guy and I’m bisexual but I guess it was not meant to be and I’m hopeless that I’ll meet a person who will want to date me and they could be my boyfriend or girlfriend I hope I meet someone but I doubt it’s gonna happen to me :(
Hi there :) I am really glad that you wrote to us today. I am sorry that you are going through this. It can be really hard to find someone to date and I feel like it can be really difficult to keep up your spirits sometimes. Its amazing to think that there are so many people in the world but that its expected that you could probably find someone who completely gets you, and like lives a few miles away. I really believe in you and that there is someone out there who will really get you, because it sounds like you are a truly amazing individual. And I am really looking forward to the day that someone realizes all your utter greatness and glory because I know that day will come and that you deserve that day. And even if this person wasn't the one, that doesn't dim your greatness. Because you are the best you that anyone could ever hope for and I think that's pretty great. I hope you also take some time to be kind to yourself. It can be hard to do that after being rejected but you deserve self-care. You deserve to tell your self some kind words, a little spa treatment (whatever that looks like to you whether it is washing your face, a shower or massaging your temples), a little walk to see the beauty around, or just accepting that maybe staying in bed is the best that today will be but hopefully you can put some cozy clothes on or wrap up in a soft blanket. Whatever self-care looks like to you, I really hope you are kind to yourself. From May
Hi! I’m so glad you contacted us! First of all, I’m so sorry that happened to you. Rejection is a hard thing and in my experience it just sucks. It’s not your fault and it is perfectly okay and normal to feel upset about it. As for not thinking you’ll meet someone, you have plenty of time ahead of you to meet someone special. There are so many people out there and I’m sure you will find someone that makes you happy. I would suggest finding something to do that makes you happy, like doing an art project, talking with you friends, going for a walk, or playing with your pet. I hope you feel better and I encourage you to call or text us :) From Eric
Hi thank you for reaching out. I'm so sorry to hear that that's happened. I just want to tell you that I personally have had a lot of experience with rejection myself as well, and for a while, I also felt that I was hopeless. But it's a important to recognize how brave it was to tell a person how you feel in the first place. It's really scary, and even if their reaction isn't how you hoped it would be, and you thought they were "the one" or something like that, there will be others, and you just have to keep being brave, and believing in yourself! -Eric From Jen
I’m sorry that things didn’t go as you had wished with the boy you liked. It’s sucks when things don’t work out especially when you really admire someone. I get how it feels hopeless (similar thing happened to me recently) and it hurts a lot. It might hurt a lot for a while, I know it does for me, but there’s like 8 billion people on earth and I think multiple millions of people in just one state. Besides that cheesy statistic I suppose what I’m trying to say is that there’s so many awesome people all around us. I’m sorry that you haven’t found your person yet and rejection can make it feel really hard to want to find anyone. Especially at school. But if you keep just being you, sometime someone is going to see that and admire you. Even if it’s just a friend who admires you, that’s someone who sees how awesome you are and wants to be around you because it makes them feel good. It’s way easier said than done, I’m still not over a boy who rejected me like a year ago but it is so much easier than when it first happened. I still like him but we’ve come to a point where we can be friends and talk sometimes. So it ended up alright and I bet as time goes on things will go however they go and as long as I do my best to be positive I’m sure things will all be okay. I hope that in time everything will end up okay for you too. I’m glad you reached out to teen talk, if you ever want to talk about it, me or any of the other amazing volunteers would be happy to do so. I’m Jen and I believe in you! You seem like a really cool person and I’m sure other people see that in you too! Some days will still be hard but there will be some pretty epic times too, you’ve got this!! From Ash
Howdy! It sucks to hear that your feelings were rejected, especially when it seems to happen over and over. In my experience there doesn’t have to be anything wrong with you, the other person, or the relationship for it to not work out. People are complex, and there’s a million different factors in our lives that affect our actions and desires, sometimes people just aren’t interested or don’t have the time to enter a romantic relationship. Platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones, and sometimes romantic feelings are only able to emerge after you’ve gotten to know someone and become their friend. You are not hopeless, and you’re completely deserving and worthy of love, it just takes a while to find it. <3 Ash From Jack
Hello! I'm glad you reached out! Rejection can be really hard, especially when we're invested, but you also can't always predict it. Sometimes things just don't turn out as we hope, and it sucks. But! There are billions, upon billions, of people in the world! It can be hard to find the right person for you, but there's gotta be someone out there. As they all say, there are many fish in the sea!! That being said, you're still in the early years of living! And that means you have plenty of time to find a person you 'click' with. I imagine you have lots of love to share, but you mustn't forget to also extend that love to yourself! From KIMBERLY
Hello, I'm Kimberly! Thanks for reaching out, we are always happy to help! I'm sorry you're going through that. It sounds like you are going through a lot of pain, which is absolutely valid. Rejection can sting. But just because you're not one person's taste, does not mean you have less value as a human being overall. To put that in a metaphor, just because some people don't like mango sherbert, does not mean that NOBODY will like mango sherbert, or that mango sherbert is completely terrible. Be kind to yourself, please! Something I'd like to make clear, is that although you may not believe it right now, someday you WILL find a partner who is right for you. There are 8 billion people in this world, the average lifespan is 79 years, and the opportunities for finding love are practically endless. And if it's not anytime soon, that's okay too! As much as intimacy and romance rocks, other forms of love or human connection, such as friendships, family, or general social support, can be very fulfilling as well. Also, middle school and high school relationships may help you learn a lot, but there is also sometimes a LOT of drama- so who knows, maybe you're dodging a bullet without even knowing it! One strategy that I know always helps me get through rejection is imagining an alternate-timeline version of myself appearing and warning me about how much I should NOT date the person, lol. As pessimistic as this is, frankly, another helpful strategy that I know of is making a secret list of everything you DON'T like about the person! Even if it feels extremely nit-picky, I know that for me, it's helped. Even if it's the teensiest tiniest most microscopic itty bitty flaws that obviously don't ACTUALLY matter, like "uh, they have a giant pimple above their right eye, I guess", it's helpful because it's a way of reminding yourself that they are NOT perfect, no matter how much your brain can't help but see them that way. A third strategy, the one that I know I've found to be my own personal holy-crap-this-actually-works method, is simply just taking a break from the person... if it's a case where you're friends or close acquaintances with them. When you have a major crush, it's basically an addiction. You can never stop thinking of them, you crave spending tons of time with them, and when those extreme cravings are not fulfilled, they only get stronger and become painful... aka "withdrawal symptoms"! So... I'll put this in a metaphor: If a person is trying to quit smoking, would it be helpful for them to always be keeping a pack of cigarettes in their pocket? The same kind of logic can apply to crushes, in some cases... If you're trying to quit liking somebody, is it helpful to keep talking with them frequently, seeing them often, and just generally be friends with them? Of course, I wouldn't know your specific situation, but if this happens to resonate with you, perhaps consider it. If you're scared of hurting their feelings, just know that there are plenty of ways to go about the conversation politely. If a break from the person is what you need, it's okay to set boundaries for yourself that way. You're never obligated to be friends with anyone, for any reason. Or, you could also instead try gradually distancing apart from them. But depending on how close of friends you are with the person, that could possibly cause some confusion. What do you believe would be the right approach for your case? Something I am curious about, is why did you ask the person on a date, or ask to be in a relationship with the person, to them 3 times previously? How did they go about their responses? How do you think they feel about having been asked again, even after saying no multiple times? Did they try setting any other boundaries of their own? I hope things go well for you, and you get through this okay. You WILL be able to get through this. Even if certain strategies don't work, time does heal. Who knows, maybe this is just clearing the way for somebody even BETTER to come into your life! I wish you luck, and if you'd like to give me a call, my shifts are on Fridays, from 4-7 PM :) Sincerely, Kimberly From Anna
Hello! Thank you so much for reaching out to us. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, rejection does suck. Don't worry too much about it though, there are so many people in this world, and there is definitely someone out there for you! In the meantime, it can be fun to focus on yourself and doing things that you like. Meeting more people can also help and you might be able to discover new people that you click with better! I hope you'll feel better soon and don't hesitate to contact us again if you could like to talk! From QUINN
Hi! Thank you so much for writing to us! it takes a lot of bravery to reach out. That sucks so much, it must really hurt to get rejected over and over again like that. Its seems like you really liked him so it must of stung pretty bad. I don't think your hopeless, it just might take some time to find the right person and you don't have to rush! You have plenty of time to explore and find the person you want to be with and who wants to be with you. In the mean time what are you doing to take care of yourself? Do things that make you happy, and love yourself. You could rest, watch a movie, hang out with friends, eat your favorite foods, go on a hike, start a hobby, read a book, cook. Just anything that you like to do. Take care of your self! From Mia
Hello, thank you for reaching out to us! I'm sorry that you're going through this right now. I'm sure it's tough when you're rejected by someone who you like. I know this sucks, but remember, that one rejection doesn't mean that you should be hopeless. This situation just didn't work out and that's okay! There will be many more opportunities in the future that will work out for you. Don't let this get you too down, you have a lot to offer and someone one day will see that. If you would like to talk about this more, don't hesitate to reach out! From Stella
I'm really sorry to hear he rejected you. I know how hard rejection can be, and especially how bad it can feel when a holiday like Valentine's Day is right around the corner. But with that in mind, it's really important to remember a few things. First of all, we're just teenagers. I know firsthand how it may feel like the end of the world if your crush rejects you, but we still have a long time to sort things out, and find that person we're meant to be with. Just because you haven't met that person yet doesn't mean you won't meet them at all! It just means you'll have to wait just a little bit longer. Who knows? Maybe he'll come around, and you can end up together. The second thing to remember is that, despite how much society (and especially Hallmark movies) hype it up, Valentine's day really is just a day to celebrate those we love, romantic or platonic. Just because you might not have a special person in a romantic context doesn't mean you can't still celebrate those around you. And plus, the day after Valentine's day is when all the chocolate is half priced! That's the real holiday worth celebrating, in my book. But anyways, you will absolutely find that special person, boy, girl, or something in between, that makes you happy. And when you do, all of your waiting will have been worth it. If you're ever feeling down, we're always here to chat. Have a lovely day, and keep your head up <3 10/10/2023 - Mute and Depression
I’m hopeless I’m mute although I can talk and I wasn’t diagnosed with selective mutism I just feel like I’m mute and no one likes me and I’m depressed
From David
Well thanks for reaching out! that requires a lot of bravery! It's completely ok to not talk as much as other people and I struggle with speaking myself. If you're really worried about it you can maybe contact a therapist or doctor and they can also help if you're feeling depressed. Again its ok to have these feelings and you're are definitely not alone. If you just want to be alone then you can try to find a hobby you can do by yourself. I like taking walks and doing art but there so many other things that can help with your mental health. If you're ever feelings really bad, you can always talk to us. Thanks again for reaching out! From Eric
Hey, thank you for reaching out! That does sound really tough. I'm sure it feels as if people don't like you, but I promise that's not the case. It's completely understandable to feel depressed in that type of situation, and it's totally okay. I would advise seeing a psychologist to see if you do in fact have selective mutism though, it would be good for clarity. From Jen
Hello! Thank you for sharing and I’m really glad you reached out to teen talk. I’m sorry to hear that things have been hard for you, I’ve never experienced exactly what you are going through but I hope I can help. I struggle with depression and I often feel really hopeless to the point where I dread having to talk to anyone or communicate. But at the same time when things are difficult talking can be a comfort. When I don’t want to talk it’s usually because I don’t want to deal with anything or have to face what’s going on. I used to barely talk at all two years ago and in a way it did its job. It helped me to be around people knowing I didn’t have to interact much since even just going outside was really scary. Over time I’ve been able to talk more. Sometimes I can even be quite chatty now. I think silence was a way to protect myself but I’m not sure if that is the same for you. I don’t know exactly what you are going through but I think that it would be good to not give up on talking. There’s good to it and I’m really happy that I was able to get to a place where talking isn’t always a bad thing. Maybe you could start out by writing. The words that you can’t say out loud can still be said on paper. I’m not sure if your school or library has a writing club or if there are any online forums to do creative writing or even fan fiction or really anything that interests you. It can also help to find some hope in gloomy times. I am obsessed with coraline (the book and movie) I could talk/write about it for hours and hours. I just really love the whole thing and all the YouTube theories or fan made art. I think finding something to be passionate about can help you to find people who you might like and also to have a positive aspect to communicating and also just to help when depressed. I’m really glad you reached out to teen talk and I hope that things will start to look up. I know you can get through this! From Mia
Hello! Thank you for reaching out to us! I'm sorry that you're feeling like people don't like you. I know how upsetting that can feel. Just know that you're not alone! Many people feel lonely sometimes and I know it's not a good feeling to have. I hope you call or text us if you need! We are here to listen. From Stella
I completely understand where you're coming from. Dealing with depression can be really hard, especially when it seems like you have no one you can talk to, literally or metaphorically. Mutism is a pretty common coping mechanism when it comes to depression, and there are ways to still be able to communicate through it without physically speaking. Personally, in the past, when I felt like I couldn't talk, I wrote common sayings on notecards, like 'yes/no', 'please', 'leave me alone', and a few others, and showed them to people. I also wrote a notecard explaining the use of the notecards, in case someone was confused. I found these to be really helpful, and I'd highly recommend them, if you're looking for a way to communicate without, well, talking. And as for the loneliness, I'm so sorry you feel like that, but please know that you're not alone. There are people in your life, whether they be teachers, counselors, family members, or otherwise, that care about you. People care about you, even though it might not feel like it sometimes. Your feelings are valid, and there is help available. Thank you for reaching out, and have a lovely day <3 From Dahlia
Thank you for sharing this. I'm sorry you're dealing with these feelings. I have anxiety so I understand how it can feel; it feels like you are left out or disliked by others. If someone dislikes you because you're quiet, it is not your fault. There are people from my family who dislike me because of my anxiety but I cannot control how they feel, it is just how I am. Coming from someone who doesn't have close friends, I find it to be helpful when you have a hobby that you like so you can spend time with yourself while you do something you enjoy. If you are able to, I think therapy could also help you as you try and handle these feelings. You are not alone in this, and I believe that you are loved. 09/28/2023 - I have depression and anxiety it hurts
I have depression and anxiety ,I have no friends I’m alone at school I don’t have anyone to talk besides my mother and my therapist outside of school I feel like depression is getting worse I’m sad enough as it is but to make it worse I was rejected by my crush which made it hurt more inside
From Jen
It sounds like things have been really tough late but I’m really glad though you reached out to teen talk for support. If you want to talk to another teen about stuff you can call teen talk during our open hours or text anonymously. I struggle making friends at school but joining a club or doing volunteer work helped me to find people I could talk to. It also gave me something to look forward to. I’m sorry to hear about what happened with your crush and how that’s made things worse. I know, for me, it helps to listen to music to get out my sad feelings but also to listen to music with good vibes to help me feel hopeful and to appreciate myself more. It can also be helpful sometimes to just do something fun or silly. Little things like getting ice cream or going to my favorite park to walk around help me when I’m having a really hard day. I hope you can feel better and thank you for sharing. From Eric
Hey, thank you for reaching out. I'm really sorry to hear what is going on. I understand how hard it is to make friends, or at least an acquaintance or two, and I know anxiety doesn't help one bit in trying to succeed in that. Fortunately, the school year just started, so that does give you a few more ways of meeting new people. Depending on how the teachers you have operate, if you were assigned to a random table in a class, spark up some sort of conversation, even if it's something small. I know that it's a lot easier said than done, but I would keep it as an option. Also, I know what rejection feels like first hand, trust me. It will be very awkward and difficult for a while, and I'm sure it feels like there is no one else, but it will eventually pass. Depending on the situation, you could even continue staying friends with them, which is a lot better and healthier than never speaking to them again. From Quinn
hi, its really brave to reach out so thank you for doing so. I understand how having no friends feels, and it really sucks. being lonely is the worse feeling. you could join a social group, like a club or a team. something with other people your age, and with similar interests. you could probably ask your school and therapist if they have any clubs you could join, and ask you mom to help. getting rejected is really hard, if you have any hobbies or things for comfort that you do that might be good. after something happens like that I go get a pumpkin freeze from my favorite coffee shop. it does not make it better but it cheers me up a bit, and makes my day better. -Quinn From Anna
Hi, thank you for reaching out. I'm sorry you are going through this and I hope you feel better soon. At school, maybe you can join some volunteer clubs and go to some events? I know that a lot of schools have volunteer clubs, and they're a great place to meet new people and friends. For your crush, I know it's easier said than done, but I think that trying to meet new people might take your mind off of them. Remember that this is just one event in your life and although you might hear this a lot, it is true that with time you will feel much better about it. I hope that these suggestions will help you, and please don't hesitate to reach out! From STella
First of all, I'd just like to thank you for having the courage to reach out to us here at TeenTalk. It takes a lot of strength to reach out for help, and I'm so proud of you for that. Depression and anxiety can be really hard to deal with day after day. The important thing is to know that you're not alone in this. You have people in your life, like your mom, therapist, or adults at school, who are there to support you and make sure you're okay. Pertaining to your crush, rejection can really hurt. Especially when you already have other mentally taxing things going on. The important things to remember are that it's okay to feel hurt, but you shouldn't correlate it to your self worth. Self love and care can be especially important in a time like this as well. Make sure you're regularly engaging in activities that make you happy and bring you joy. I know it can seem really hard sometimes, but I promise you it's worth it. Personally, I enjoy listening to music, spending time with my dog, and reading. You are strong for facing your depression and anxiety head-on. With time, support, and patience, things can improve. Don't hesitate to lean on your therapist, mother, and any other resources available to you. Your journey toward better mental health and forming meaningful connections is entirely valid, and you deserve happiness and support along the way. From Dahlia
I'm sorry you are dealing with these things. I also only talk to my mother because I have no friends. Remember there is nothing wrong with you if you don't have any friends. It is better to meet people who truly appreciate you than to find "friends" who don't make you feel comfortable or happy. Such friends are rare, and it can take a while before you find them. Don't be discouraged! I believe you will find some friends. And I totally get it. Being rejected from your crush is definitely heartbreaking. Don't try to change yourself to get their approval though. There is someone out there who will like you just the way you are. You might be wondering "How long will it take?" And there is no definite answer, but I know you will meet someone who likes you the way you like them. From Bri
Hi, That sounds like you have a lot going on, and I hope you are taking some time for you and are able to take care of yourself. Depression and anxiety can really hit hard, especially this time of year. Have you had a lot of experience with anxiety and depression or is it something that has started recently? I am really glad that while school has been rough that you have at least had your mom and therapist, those sound like really valuable people to depend on and I am glad that they have been able to be there for you. I am sorry you got rejected by your crush, it can be really heartbreaking and sad when they don't feel the same way. We are here for you and I hope you message back :) 09/27/2023 - Sad
I’m depressed and I’m having trouble coping with it especially since I was rejected by my crush and it hurt me
I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time right now. Dealing with depression can be incredibly challenging, and it's even harder when you're also dealing with the pain of rejection. It's completely normal to feel hurt and overwhelmed in such a situation, but please know that you're not alone. It's very important to recognize that what you're feeling is valid. You don't have to go through this alone. Consider talking to a trusted friend, family member, or teacher about what you're experiencing. Sharing your feelings and thoughts with someone you trust can be a great relief and a source of comfort. If you don't feel comfortable with that, seeking professional help from a therapist or school counselor can be incredibly beneficial. It's totally okay to take things one step at a time. Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Personally I like walking, art, reading, and video games. You are not defined by this rejection, and your worth is not determined by someone else's feelings. You are a valuable and unique individual deserving of love and happiness. FROM STELLA
I completely understand where you're coming from. Sometimes it can feel like the entire world is against you, and nothing can possibly go your way. Feelings are hard to deal with, but they're what make us people. The important thing to remember is that things will always find a way to get better. This too shall pass. Something else to remember is that there are people in your life that love and care about you. Rejection can be incredibly painful, and it's natural to feel hurt, disappointed, and even a sense of loss when someone you care about doesn't reciprocate your feelings. It's important to allow yourself to grieve this experience and acknowledge your emotions. Remember that healing takes time, and it's okay to take things one step at a time. Be kind to yourself, practice self-care, and try to engage in activities that bring you joy. The only way to escape darkness is with light. Always remember that support is just a call away. From Eric
Hey, thank you for reaching out. Your "Ask Peppy" is very similar to another one we got recently, so I kind of assume you are the same person. However if you aren't, here's some advice I gave them that I feel would really help you as well. I know what rejection feels like first hand, trust me. It will be very awkward and difficult for a while, and I'm sure it feels like there is no one else, but it will eventually pass. Depending on the situation, you could even continue staying friends with them, which is a lot better and healthier than never speaking to them again. FROM JEN
I’m sorry to hear things have been difficult. I’m really glad though that you reached out to teen talk for support. I actually can relate to this a bit since I like someone who is just not interested and it hurt because we used to be friends but we’ve been kind of distant now. But even though it sucks and it makes me sad sometimes it helps to just put on an angsty song and vibe to it. Or I write down how I’m feeling. When I try to avoid feeling hurt it just makes things more sad for me because it builds up inside so it can help to just let it out. If ever you want to talk to someone about it you can always call teen talk during our open hours or text a teen anonymously. I also like to watch my favorite show or something to make me smile to help me feel less down. I think it’s really important to find support and have someone to be able to talk with about your feelings. It can also help to find ways to cope like how I know someone who writes songs and that helps them when they are going through tough things. From QUINN
hello, thanks for reaching out! there was a really similar message to your and this is what I said to them. getting rejected is really hard, if you have any hobbies or things for comfort that you do that might be good. after something happens like that I go get a pumpkin freeze from my favorite coffee shop. it does not make it better but it cheers me up a bit, and makes my day better. -Quinn From Anna
Hi, I'm so sorry you feel this way. Thank you so much for reaching out :) I know a lot of people say this, but it truly works: you could try to take your mind off of them by involving yourself in other activities or hobbies. Many schools have a ton of clubs to join so that could be a starting point, especially volunteer clubs since they usually have a lot of members and lots of fun events to meet new people at. I hope you feel better soon and please do not hesitate to reach out again if you wish to talk :) From Dahlia
I'm so sorry you are dealing with depression alone. I know it is incredibly difficult. I hope you are able to reach out to a professional who might be able to help you find some coping methods. If you need further information on counseling, here are some counseling resources. I also understand it can be heartbreaking to hear that your crush doesn't have the same feelings for you, but it is not your fault. Take the time to heal and don't try to force their feelings to change because you have to accept how they truly feel in order to move on. I believe there is someone out there who will like you. Be patient even if it feels like it is taking too long because love is also patient and kind. From Bri
Hello there, Being rejected by crushes are the absolute worst. Did you know them very well? It can be really rough when you admire someone and they don't feel the same way. Being at a really low place can be hard, but is there anything that has helped you in the past when you felt this way? When I am feeling that way, a mindless tv show or game really helps me. Something I can focus on without having to put much work into it. I know some people really enjoy music. Finding a coping strategy is so important and I hope that you keep messaging to let us know how you are doing. |