06/03/2024 - I want to die
I’m depressed I’m lonely and I don’t fit cause I’m a gay male and people don’t like me they say I will get better but I can’t I’ve tried and it dosent work I’ve told my parents I’m suicidal and I they got me to talk to a therapist and that dosent work and I’m just thinking of ending all my pain and ending it
Hi Friend
Thank you so much for reaching out to us. It’s really important that, while it’s important that you talk with a therapist, it sounds like right now you are experiencing significant thoughts about ending your life, so you need to take action immediately to ensure your safety. It is really important that, if you are actively having suicidal thoughts you call 911 and ask for immediate assistance. Another option is the Clark County Mental Health Crisis Line. That phone number is 1-800-626-8137 Tell them just what you told us, or more information about how you are feeling if you are able to. Be extremely honest with them. Another option is to tell your parents you need to be evaluated at a hospital. It will be difficult to do, but they want you to be safe and stay with them. You have said that things aren’t getting better, and that is a really difficult place to be in. But please, please give others, professionals and those who care about you, the chance to give you extra support until you are feeling better. We would be so grateful if you would reach out for help. You are deserving of support and care in a difficult time. Thank you again for sharing the way you are feeling. Again, please reach out for extra support and care. You deserve it enormously. 04/08/2024 - broken
I feel broken and weak I just want to end it all but I know it’s not worth it I’ve thought about running away from home many times and contemplating running away sometimes but idk I’ve talked to my therapist but it dosent always help sometimes
If you're worried about your feelings turning into action, please call either 988 or the SW Washington Crisis Line at 1.800.626.8137. from mia
Hello, thanks for reaching out! I'm really sorry that you're feeling this way. I'm sure that this is a rough time that you're going through. I know that running away might seem like a good idea, but I think that there could be other options. Of course, I don't know you're whole story. I think its great that you have a therapist that you can talk to. Have you thought about talking to her about this feeling? And do you have any methods that you can use when you're feeling down to get your mind off of things? Again, I am sorry that you are feeling this way. Please don't hesitate to reach out again! from stella
I completely understand where you're coming from. Sometimes, it can feel like nothing in the world can possibly make you feel happy. All you want to do is lock yourself away from the world, and cry in peace. Maybe listen to a little bit of My Chemical Romance, or something along those lines. But in times like these, it's important to remember the people in our lives that can help. Having a therapist can be a really useful tool. Someone that can listen to your problems, provide solutions when necessary, and provide a safe space to vent when solutions aren't what you're looking for. It's completely valid to feel like running away sometimes. If you ever need more support, and don't feel safe going to an adult in your life, we have plenty of local resources available on our website, from crisis lines to options for safe spaces you can temporarily stay, should your situation come to that. I guarantee you there are plenty of people in your life that would be more than willing to support and help you. It may not seem like it right away, but they are there. Have an amazing day, and please know that there are plenty of people in your life that love and care for you, even if they may not always show it. <3 from saraH
Thank you for being so brave and sharing your deepest feelings. It is terrible that you feel that way and don't be afraid to reach out again if you need someone to talk to or call the crisis line if you need serious help. It may seem like talking to your therapist doesn't help but I have noticed that it takes time to help. It is okay to feel like running away, It may seem nice to get away from everything but it sounds like you need a support system to ground you. Maybe you should have multiple people you can talk to and check in on you. You should think about who in your life that you feel connected to that can keep you there and safe. And yes I think and have learned for myself that it's totally not worth it because your feelings are only temporary. fROM bRI
Hey there, I am really sorry to hear you are feeling broken and weak. Sometimes feeling down can be very draining and be shattering. I am glad you are still here, and I think it is very brave to make the choice to stay. It sounds like there is stuff going on at home that might be feeling like a lot. What makes you stay? Sometimes I ask myself that to know why I keep pushing forward. That can be really difficult when talking to a therapist and you don't come away from it feeling like you know what to do or how to handle it all. Have there been sessions that has helped? Also, if things aren't going super well with your current therapist, often you can request a different one to try if you think that might help. I am truly sorry to hear that things are difficult right now but we are here if you want to keep talking :) FROM DAVID
Thanks for reaching out to TeenTalk, I know it requires a lot of bravery. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way and I'm glad you know it's not worth it, because it isn't. I recommend maybe finding some coping skills. Maybe something like art or music, or walks or just something to distract yourself and get your mind off things. And if your therapist isnt working maybe try finding a new one or talking with a school counselor. Friends are also a good support system and you can reach out to them if you feel comfortable. I also find it comforting to talk to a pet and just have them listen. They won't be able to talk back but they will respond with love and empathy. Again you are worth it and you are important and I'm amazed at your bravery. I hope things get better and you find the things you want in life :) From Eric
Hey, thank you for reaching out! I am really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. Feeling broken and weak can be incredibly overwhelming, and it's completely valid to struggle with those emotions. It's really good that you recognize that ending things isn't the solution, it takes a lot of strength to recognize that. Running away from home might feel like a way to escape, but it's important to remember that it won't necessarily solve the issues at hand. Have you talked to your therapist about these feelings of wanting to run away? It might be a good idea to try to understand them better and find healthier coping mechanisms. I would advise you to try and focus on self-care activities that bring you comfort like listening to music, or spending time with a pet. It's also crucial to reach out to trusted friends or family members for support. You don't have to go through this alone. From ASH
I’m sorry to hear that, it sounds like you’re having a rough time :[ I don’t know your situation but I can promise you something, you are not broken or weak. The fact that you’ve been able to keep going for so long proves that you are strong, even if you don’t feel like it. I don’t know your situation, but running away from home rarely ends well, especially as a minor. I’m proud of you for reaching out, and I’d love to talk more to you over text, call, or any of our socials. <3 Ash from jack
Hello! I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling broken and weak, but thank you for reaching out. Those feelings of being weak and broken sound so suffocating, and I get where you're coming from when you mention wanting to run away; the feeling of wanting to get away is completely valid, especially when things are hard, and you just want to get away. I don't know your whole story, but running away isn't always the best option and can often be extremely difficult and unsafe if you have no where to go. If you want, and if you are not having a fruitful experience with your current therapist, is it possible that you'd be able to change to a different one? I assure you that an ending would definitively not be worth it!! These emotions and hard times are temporary, and it seems like you are biding your time. You're strong for doing so. Maybe listen to music you enjoy, or spending some time on a hobby you have to distract yourself from some of the harder parts of life, something that you enjoy doing for you. :) I'm glad that you're still here, and the fact that you've persevered through your struggles proves that you're strong for having done it, even if its hard. Again, thank you for reaching out, we'd always love to hear from you again if you want to talk! -Jack From Jen
Hello, thank you for reaching out and for opening up about what you’ve been struggling with. Things must be really hard to be feeling this way. Feeling broken and weak is exhausting but I promise that you aren’t broken and if anything you’re ridiculously strong for continuing to keep going even when you don’t want to. I also feel while reading your message reminded of how I used to feel a few years ago. I talked to a therapist and it felt like it wasn’t working, I also tried running away once (but only for like 2 hours because then I realized I had nothing to do), and just feeling hopeless and broken…. Because I’ve experienced some of these things I can say that it can get better. I still have hard times and sometimes I fall back into those feelings but only for a short moment. Those hard times sucked so bad in the moment but I’m really glad that I came back home and that I kept waking up and that I’m able to be here now. I’m really grateful in a strange way to have felt that because now I see how many good things happen to me that make life worth living. I’m also really glad that those experiences lead me to be part of teen talk. I really hope that my experience could help me to be more understanding and help others in a similar situation. I know it probably sucks a lot and I have no idea how it truly feels for you but I hope that I can at least give some assurance that things can get better. And you can overcome hard times and even become stronger because of them. I hope you know that you aren’t alone and that you can always talk to any of the volunteers here. I’m really glad you’re here and I’m really glad that you are reaching out because your life is valuable and you can get through this. I believe in you and I know that even though life can be sucky it can also be lucky and fun and epic! If you ever want to talk I’m Jen and I volunteer on Thursdays 6-9 as well as if you leave another message like this one. You aren’t broken and I hope you can see that you’re doing amazing! from jon
Thank you for contacting TeenTalk. I am so sorry that you feel so down right now. It sounds like you have a heavy burden on your shoulders, and I understand that this can be very overwhelming. I think it's great that you have tried discussing this with your therapist, it shows that you have the bravery to talk about this. Remember that it is okay to seek help from other sources, and it might be worth exploring things or activities that would remind you that you truly are of value. I want you to know that it is okay to feel like you are not okay, but there are always people who are willing to help you. You are never alone. 12/10/2023 - Hopeless and alone
No one likes me and I’m very depressed I don’t really think life is worth it anymore no one ever cares about me my life has been hell idk anymore
Hey, I am so sorry to hear that you're feeling this way, and I really appreciate you reaching out during such a hard time. I know it must seem as though life isn't worth living, and it can be very hard to live life sometimes. However I assure you, people do in fact love and care about you. It may not seem that way sometimes, but it is true. If you ever feel the need, feel free to call the crises line 1.800.626.8137. From DaHlia
Hi, thank you for reaching out to Teentalk. When we often feel isolated and alone, we think the worst of ourselves. I can assure you that our perception of ourselves is often too harsh and not true about how people view us. It might feel like nobody cares about you, but I know there are people who find peace with your presence. I was very quiet at school and did not talk with anyone, but there were people from school who I viewed from afar and appreciated, even if they did not know me as well. You being here in this world makes a difference, and you may not notice it but there have definitely been people who have smiled because of you. There will be moments where you will feel your worst and no one will even know it, but I now know that you have been dealing with the difficulties of life alone. Thank you for trying your best even if it might seem like life isn't the best right now. Please be patient; whatever you are going through right now doesn't mean it will last forever. There will be happy moments and memories coming. If you ever need anything please reach out to us again. We are here for you without any judgement. Everyone at Teentalk appreciates you and hopes the best for you. From anna
Hi, thank you so much for reaching out, I know it cannot be easy. I am so sorry you feel that way, and I know for sure that life can be hard sometimes, but please know that there definitely are people who care about you and like you. I know that people always say how life always has ups and downs, so sometimes you just have to look forward and believe that better things are to come. Just keep going, things will get better. Do you have any things that you enjoy doing that can help distract you from those thoughts? Sometimes being outside and getting fresh air really helps me, and I've heard that many people also feel better after doing so! I hope I was able to help, and I wish you the best. From Quinn
Hello, my name is Quinn. Thank you for reaching out, it takes a lot of courage to do so. It is really awful to feel like no one cares about you, but it’s worth it to stick around, because someone in the future will. If you are in crisis please call the Crisis Line, the number is 18006268137 and they are open 24/7. If there is someone you can talk to like a trusted adult, a counselor, or a friend that also might be helpful. If you want to find people to connect and be friends with, you could join a club, or team, or volunteer for something. If you want to talk more you can call us, our number is 13603972428. I’m there on Mondays 4-7 if you want to talk specifically to me. I hope this helped, Quinn. FROM KIMBERLY
Hello, I'm Kimberly. Thank you for reaching out, I'm here to listen and I know it must take a lot of courage to contact a random stranger on a support line to talk about what's going on. I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling that way, that must be very rough. Your feelings are valid, and you are not a nuisance for wanting to vent or receive help. It is okay to feel that way, those are very real emotions. What's been going on specifically? In school? Social life? Family life? Etc.? What has made you believe that no one likes or cares about you? How long has the depression been going on? How would you describe it? What symptoms are affecting you the most? In all honesty, I'm not quite sure what to say, simply because I don't have very much information from you about it. But just know that I do care. I can't exactly tell you that everything will be okay, but I can tell you that when things are not okay, I am here to listen- if you are comfortable. Sincerely, Kimberly FROM I
Howdy friend, it sucks that your life has been rough lately. Depression is awful and it can feel overwhelming and difficult to put in the effort to continue going. I've found that in my own personal experience that forcing yourself to get up and relocate a few times a day is very helpful, even if it's just to a different part of your room when it feels like you're suffocating in depression. Finding the little things in life to look forward to can help, a new episode of your favorite show coming out, watching the clouds, playing your favorite game. You can always call/text/message us when you feel alone, we always want to hear back from you and how you're doing. I'm not you, and can't know exactly how you feel or what's going on in your life, but I'd like to learn more, or just hear about your day. <3 I 10/18/2023 - I don't know anymore
eachI have been depressed for a long since middle school I’m in 11th grade in high school I was bullied in middle school which I’m traumatized from now here in high school I’m still depressed I don’t have any friends and no one likes me and all the time I have this question in my mind , Is life worth it if no one like you? , honestly I’m not trying to hurt myself but I have these thoughts that won’t go away.
From Anna
Hi, thank you for reaching out! I am so sorry you feel this way but please know that life is definitely worth it and also that it is definitely not true that no one likes you. I know that it can feel that way sometimes, and I am very sorry that you were bullied in middle school. I am very proud of you for pushing through despite what you experienced, and you should be proud too :). Are there any things that you enjoy doing? Sometimes focusing on something else can take your mind off of those thoughts and it is very possible that you could make new friends while you explore your hobbies and interests! I know that there are a lot of opportunities in school where you can connect with others while doing thing you like, especially in clubs. Also, is there anyone you can talk to about what happened in middle school? Talking to a trusted person could help you walk out of your trauma. If those thoughts persist, here is the crisis line 1.800.626.8137, they can also help you if you are struggling. I hope I was able to help you and please feel free to reach out again in the future if you want to talk! From Jen
I’m sorry that it sounds like things have been hard. Thank you for being brave and sharing. It can be really helpful to talk with someone you trust and that can support you like a family member, teacher, or mental health professional. From what you wrote it sounds like you are not thinking about acting on the thoughts to hurt yourself which might mean your thoughts are passive. I’ve struggled before with having passive suicidal thoughts where I knew I wouldn’t hurt myself but it was still difficult and stressful. I know that for me I never act on my suicidal thoughts and that can be really helpful to recognize in the moment. I try to label my thoughts as just thoughts and that I can have a thought and not act on it. I think of it like having the thought to stay up late and binge watch my favorite show on a school night. I know I won’t actually do that because I am tired and ready to sleep. I know future me will be so tired at school and make it a hard day. When I think about staying up late it is just a thought and doesn’t need any action. Thinking about staying up late right before bed is a common thought I have but I know that’s all it is. I never do it because I like to get my sleep so I never worry about having that thought. When you have a thought you don’t want you can try to do the same thing. When you have suicidal thoughts you can try to name them as something different. Rather than thinking in your head - I’m having (fill in the blank) thought - try to reword it as -cheesy(or whatever name you choose) is having suicidal thoughts. By doing that it separates it from you and it can make it easier in the moment to not worry about acting on the thoughts. If you ever are worried about acting on suicidal thoughts please reach out to the crisis line at 1-800-626-8137. I know you can do this! If you want to try and meet new people or make some friends I would recommend joining clubs or taking a class about things that interest you. It can be helpful to have something in common and I find it easier to talk to people about stuff I am interested in since it’s less pressure. Lots of libraries hold chill activities or craft stores like Michaels have cool crafts you can do in groups. If you ever want to talk with me or any of the awesome volunteers at teen talk you can always leave a message or call us during open hours. -Jen From Quinn
that sounds really difficult. I understand the feeling that nobody likes you and that's a really sad and frustrating feeling, it SUUUUCKs to be isolated. i'm sure there is someone who likes you, or will like you. and even if no one does the value of your life is not dependent on what other people think about you. but some time you will find people who like you and value you. if you want to find new people, or someone to be friends with i would find a club, or group, or team or something. something you enjoy or interested in exploring. if it does get worse you could call 988 or the crisis line at 1-800-626-8137. if you want to talk about it more you could give us a call or a text! -Quinn From Mia
Hello! Thanks for reaching out to us! I'm so sorry that you're feeling alone right now and I understand how difficult that can be. Things from the past can affect you for a while no matter how long ago it was. But, life is always worth living for and you do matter! It sounds like you have a lot going on. Do you have anyone to share your feelings with? We would love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to reach out at anytime! From Stella
I completely understand how all that happening can make you feel like that. Being bullied can be really hard, especially when it persists for a long period of time. And as for the depression, it's important to remember that things will get better. It might not seem like it a lot of the time, but it's true. Something else important to remember is to stay positive, and engage in self care. Find something you enjoy doing, like listening to music or reading. And as for your question, even though it may not seem like it sometimes, YES! It's absolutely worth it. Because even if you might not have anyone right now, you will absolutely find someone later. It could be tomorrow, it could be in a year. But you will find someone. When bad thoughts like that arise, it's important to remember that they do not define you. There is always a light on the other side of the tunnel, you might just have to go a little further to see it. <3 From Bri
Hi :) I feel like you have some relatable questions. I think for me, sometimes I have to ask myself if it is it possible that people don't have as strong feelings against me as I feel like they do. Sometimes when I'm not in a great headspace I feel like there is no way someone could like me and I take a lot more things personally. Especially if I am putting a weird vibe out there and people are just reacting to that rather than myself. And I feel like a lot of times my answer is that right now things might feel like people don't like me even if that isn't true. And the second question I ask myself, is even if people *didn't* like me, do I like me? Because I feel like that is the more important question. And even if you don't like yourself yet or you feel like there is room to improve, I feel like sometimes focusing on what I can change is even better. Especially as you can't change how other people feel about you but you can do meaningful things in life like create somethings or learn something or enjoy something. And honestly, when you are being you and not focused on other people, the people worth it will start seeing you be the coolest version of you and want to hang around you too. And I hope you leave some space for yourself, because getting over being bullied is hard and sometimes it takes awhile to heal from that. And that's okay. You've absolutely got this and we are here if you'd like to keep talking about these thoughts :) 09/26/2023 - Utter hopelessness
Hi TeenTalk.
The past couple of months I have been feeling utter monotony. Every day is the same. Everything I do repeats itself. Everything has lost all meaning. I don't play videogames anymore. Nothing makes me happy. I barely like talking to my friends, hell, I hate being around anyone. Last week I was in a horrible state, and because of this, I expressed to my friends (through online messaging services) that I was feeling suicidal, and many of them reached out and helped me. One called the police, in fear of me committing. A couple came to my house and comforted me. One person expressed how they would feel hopeless if I was gone. This all should have come together and proven that these people care about me but it made it worse. I feel so sick and disgusting that the thought of me being harmed could bring someone pain. It has already happened, and I felt so much worse. I don't believe that I would ever actually be able to kill myself. I think the reason for this is because I can't bear the thought of bringing pain to people, even after I'm dead. I know that's like "well that's good, right?" but no! I just am so much of a people pleaser that making things harder for everyone else is the only reason I haven't done it. I'm just so done with everything. School only started a month ago but I'm already starting to fall behind. I'm in such a bad state to where I can't even bear going to school some days. I lay in my bed all day, barely moving. Getting up once or twice a day to use the bathroom. utter hopelessness From Bri
Hello there, I am really sorry to hear that you are in a tough place right now. And I hope you can give yourself some grace and kindness to forgive yourself. To forgive yourself for not getting out of bed, because even barely moving is an accomplishment. To forgive yourself for not taking care of your body, because existing is the hardest part. To forgive yourself for letting others know you were in pain, because while they might worry, at least they had a chance to show you that they could be there for you. And forgive yourself, because sometimes its boring to do things that don't make you happy but its okay to sit with that feeling. And do what you can, when you can. I watched this TikTok once and it was exercises to do when you are depressed that you can do in a bed that are low movement but can help get your body moving in small ways. Maybe all you do that day is make it outside to get vitamin D. Finding small accomplishments that might make you feel better in the long run can be so important. I believe in you, and I know that school can be stressful when you feel like you're getting behind, but maybe one of those amazing individuals who were concerned might be willing to help sit with you as you do your homework. That has helped me in the past. I am really sorry you're feeling this way, and I hope that things will start to settle soon. From David
I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult and painful time right now. It takes a lot of courage to open up about these feelings, and I want to commend you for reaching out and sharing what you're going through. It sounds like you're carrying an incredibly heavy burden, and the sense of monotony you're experiencing is genuinely tough. As someone who has experienced doing things that don't bring them joy anymore, I completely understand where you're coming from. It's also clear that you care deeply about the people in your life, and that concern for their well-being. I want you to know that your feelings are valid, and it's okay to struggle. Many people go through periods of deep despair, and it can be incredibly overwhelming. It is important to remember that you don't have to face this on your own. Reaching out to a trusted adult, friend or school counselor can provide you with help. It's also important to practice self-care, even when it feels nearly impossible. Try to engage in activities that once brought you joy, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. When I lost the happiness I got from my hobbies I met other people just getting into the hobby. I didn't really want to talk about the hobby but their enthusiasm brought mine back. Healing takes time and it's okay to seek help and lean on others during this challenging period in your life. Your well-being matters, and there are people who want to see you overcome this and find happiness and meaning in life once again. I hope your situation gets better and I'm so glad that you know there are people out there for you. If you ever feel suicidal again, I heavily recommend reaching out to the crisis line because they can get you the help you need :) From Stella
I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult and painful time. It takes a lot of courage to reach out and share your feelings, and I want to commend you for doing so. Please know that you are not alone, and there are people who genuinely care about you and want to support you through this challenging period. Feeling overwhelmed, hopeless, and trapped in monotony can be incredibly tough to handle. It's understandable that you're struggling with these emotions, but I'm glad to hear that you don't believe you would actually go through with harming yourself. The fact that you are concerned about the impact on others shows a deep level of empathy and compassion within you, even though it might feel like a burden right now. You mentioned that your friends reached out and offered help when you expressed your feelings, and their actions demonstrate how much they care about you. It's normal to feel conflicted when you see that your pain affects those around you, but it's essential to remember that your friends want to help because they care about your well-being. Their support is a sign of their love and concern for you. Remember that healing is a process, and it may take time. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself to explore activities and interests that once brought you joy, even if they don't seem appealing right now. Surround yourself with a support system that understands your struggles and can provide a listening ear. Your life is valuable, and your well-being matters. Please reach out to someone you trust or a mental health professional today to start the path toward healing and recovery. You are not alone in this, and there is hope for a better future. From ERIC
I'm really sorry to hear that you've been going through such a difficult time, but I'm glad you reached out to talk about it. It's clear that you're struggling with feelings of sadness, and a sense of burden related to your friends' concerns. It's important to remember that you don't have to go through this alone, and there are ways to improve your situation. You're not alone in this, and many people care about your well-being. Your worth is not determined by your ability to please others. It's about taking care of yourself and finding happiness and fulfillment in your own life. If you ever feel self harmful things, please consider calling the suicide hotline: 988. From JEn
It sounds like things have been really hard lately but I’m really happy you reached out to teen talk and to your friends. I have gone through times that sound similar to how you’re describing the way you feel. It sucks and I know, for me at least, I just wanted to do nothing but that made it worse. I didn’t ever want to leave the house or go to school but as much as I hated it I slowly started making steps in a positive direction. When I didn’t want to see anyone I would go on a walk with a hoodie on and listen to music. Then after a few days of doing that I would go to the grocery store with my family. It took a while but I’m in a much better place and I really hope you can get there too. I believe in you!! I know things might seem meaningless or having no interest in old hobbies but it can really help to do something you used to enjoy. I like drawing so it made me feel a little better to draw and give it to someone else. I didn’t enjoy drawing for a while during that time but I did like to see how I could make other people happy even if I was still feeling a bit down. Or just watching silly YouTube videos that I couldn’t help but smile or laugh. I know you mentioned that you don’t think you would be able to act on any suicidal thoughts but if things ever change I hope you call the crisis line for support. From Quinn
hello, thank you for writing. it takes a lot of courage to reach out and message us. it sounds like your in a safe place but if you do need help please call the crisis line and they and get you some help. their number is 1.800.626.8137. if their is anyone in your life that can help you get professional help like counseling that would also be good. therapy can be really helpful with finding coping skills, building habits, working through feelings. here are some resources. it sounds like you friends really love you and communicating what you need or don't want might be helpful. if you ever want to talk we are here, our number is 360-397-2428. Sincerely Quinn From Anna
I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through that, thank you for reaching out. I totally understand how it feels when life becomes monotonous. It seems that your friends really care about you, and are trying to help. Maybe you could try to join in on some of their activities, I know that you said that you don't like being around anyone, but maybe being with them will take your mind off of things and it is worth a try. You could also try to reach out to your teachers about classwork which could help with lessening the amount of work you have. Just remember, every small action helps. Compartmentalizing what you have to do and imagining each task is an important quest you need to finish could bring some excitement to what you have to do, I know that helps me when I feel that everything seems to be repeating. I hope I was able to help, and remember, don't hesitate to reach out with any follow ups or updates. We are here for you :) 05/12/2023 - Im strugglinG
I feel like nobody cares, if im alive and/or dead
hi! thank you so, so much for reaching out. you must be in a lot of pain right now, and it must be so hard. you are incredibly brave and strong, and there ARE people who care about you out there! people's ways of expressing affection might be different - care can manifest in the smallest things, like just someone smiling at you in hopes of brightening your day. and even if you can't think about anything off the top of your head, we care. i care about you, because even though i don't know you, youve trusted me with these feelings you have. i'm honored that you chose to share with us, and i'm thankful for you giving me something to do this afternoon - writing this message! please, please do believe me that you have an army of people who care about you at your side - some may be camouflaged or invisible, but theyre there all right. i really wish i could give you a hug right now, but unfortunately, that technology doesnt exist. all i can say is i care about you and im so glad you exist. if you ever need someone to chat with, please please please give us a call. we'll be ecstatic to hear from you <3 -maggie FROM MAKAYLA
Hey. Thank you for reaching out, especially with something like this. I have personally felt this myself and understand how hard it is to admit and as for help. I will include the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number (988) and the SW Washington Crisis Line number (1.800.626.8137) if you feel you need to contact either of these. Both are open 24/7. Are you journaling or seeing a therapist? I know sometimes these things can feel silly or useless but they do actually help. I know it feels pointless when it feels like no one cares but things will get better if you are determined and open to getting help. Feel free to call or text any time. My shift is from 4 - 7 on Fridays if you wanna talk to me and from 4 - 9 Monday to Thursday if you'd like to talk with another teen talker. We all want to listen and be there for you. FROM MIA
Hey! Thank you so much for reaching out to us. I am so sorry that you feel that way. There is always someone who you know that cares about you and the world is better with you in it! These feelings just be very difficult to deal with and it could help you if you talked to somebody. If you ever want to talk about your feelings or just want to chat we are here! Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you! FROM AMELIA
Hi, my name is Amelia. Thanks for contacting Teen Talk, I understand it can be difficult to reach out so you should be proud you made that step. Of course I don't know the exact situation you are in, I can sympathize with feeling isolated from the people you hold close. It can be easy to continue to push yourself away but if I could suggest one thing, it would be to do activities that bring you joy and invite a sibling or friend along for the journey. I understand how connecting with people can be hard but even just little steps of putting yourself out there can help a lot. Please also remember that you have such an exciting life ahead of you filled with so much laughter and friendships, but it's also ok acknowledge things might not be ok right now. Of course if you ever need to share your feelings again or just want someone to talk to, feel free to reach out to TeenTalk again. Wishing you the best, Amelia From Bri
It really sounds like you are hurting right now. I am so sorry to hear that you don't feel like anyone cares. I just want to let you know that I do care and I am here for you. I don't even know you (yet) and I really hope that you are safe. Sometimes when I feel alone it is hard for me to realize that there are people, even when they are maybe not physically there or are mentally not able to be there as much as I wish they could be. How long have you felt this way? I really hope that the feeling gets better soon. When I am really struggling, some things that help me are to find small things that take just the perfect amount of energy. And sometimes that really varies, like sometimes watching a tv show is the only energy I have, and to look at a screen and hear the words feels like a lot. Sometimes playing sudoku or a mind game is the amount of energy I have to keep focused but not too much that I am writing an essay or anything. And sometimes my amount of energy is running because I have a lot of energy but not enough ability to cope. I have a little chart that I made that has ideas so that in the moment I don't have to try to figure out what to do, I just have it available. I don't know if that would work for you but I hope it does and I would love to talk more, if you are interested. There is also the Clark County crisis line for when we aren't available if you need support right away (800.626.8137). From David
I really appreciate you taking the time to reach out. I really hope you know that you are not alone and that people do care whether you are alive or dead. If you ever feel really down you can reach out to the suicide prevention hotline. You can also try and focus on your hobbies or try and find a hobby for you to do and that really helps. Also taking walks outside can be really really helpful if your feeling down. It's definitely normal to feel alone in the world at times but it does get better. I really hope you stay strong and know that it will get better :) |